Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Dave's BigFoot Show was Awesome!

Three hours of mesmerizing experiences kept 500 people in their seats. Wind and rain did not scare a single soul away. The entire show was recorded in HD for later viewing on cable and DVD. Here is what it looked like

Eyewitnesses from the local area discussing their experiences.

Happy BigFooters enjoying the show!
It doesn't get much better than this.
 "I can't believe how many people have had experiences and have never told anybody."said Bob from Salt Lake.
Mary from Eden said, "I was totally enthralled by it all. I loved it."

T-Shirt Orders taken until Aug 2, 2010

We will continue accepting T-shirt orders through Aug 2nd from Dave's BigFoot Show of July 26, 2010. If anyone is interested, they should email Troy at troyhaun@gmail.com. They should include their name, address, shirt size and quantity, color preference (olive green or mustard yellow), and phone number. These shirts have the date and location on the back so they become a one-of-a-kind item.

Also, If you are one of the lucky ones that have experienced a BigFoot but not seen one we are putting together a shirt that will indicate this level of encounter. If you are lucky enough to have seen a BigFoot then you will qualify for the highest level of documented shirt that will be number as limited edition. These shirts won't be cheap but BigFoot is not cheap and to be in this class is a privileged and "class has it's privileges." So watch for that announcement.
Thanks for coming to the Show. dc

Friday, June 18, 2010

Dave's BIGFOOT show is coming July 26, at TEXAS PRIDE BBQ in HUNTSVille

JULY 26, Texas Pride BBQ, Huntsville, Utah. Starting at 5:00pm for dinner and music with Dark Horse the Band in the Huntsville Town Square. Bring your own chair!!!!!!Then at
6:00pm THE Big SomeTHING-DAve's BIGFooT Show begins. The show includes local people sharing local "unexplained experiences."
Each participant will be interviewed on stage where they will tell of an incidence that does not fit neatly in any portion of your brain. This is the first time in the state of Utah where people can tell what happened to them.

Musical Guests  Theresa Ellis

We're not trying to prove or disprove the Bigfoot phenomenon all we are saying is, "We have no logical explanation for this incident and for sure it was not a guy in a suit!"
Bring your own lawn chair and come early to stake out a good spot. Bring a light jacket and watch the weather. While we're waiting to get started enjoy some of the best barbecue in the state. For those that want dinner Texas Pride will arrange a buffet type line for easy serving. While you're eating you can listen to Dark HOrse the band. At 6:00 pm "THE FEAR" begins. YOu be the judge if little kids should attend.

There are plenty of restrooms in the restaurant and the Huntsville park and a great play area across the park on the northeast corner.

(Original art by Nick Noel)
Advanced Ticket sales will begin June 21st. There will be a small covercharge and seating is open. Tickets in advance are $2 per person and $10 per family or at the door for $3 per person and $15 per family.

Tickets may be purchased in advance at Texas Pride or at  The Ticket Kid  (a little kid in a soccer uniform at the store or knocking on your front door.) HOpe to see ya there and hope to see ya scared!!!!!

For more information contact David Carver at CarverDavidL@aol.com.

Monday, June 14, 2010


contact David L. Carver for more information

at CarverDavidL@aol.com

The BIG SOMETHIN' is COMIN'-July 26 to Huntsville, Utah.

YOu're going to want to attend. Monday, Night July 26, Something big, really, really big. Something

hairy and scary big. This is so big as Tara Robertson's kid said, "it scared me right out of my crap!" That's how scary this is going to be.

This will be a family night for the brave. Hosted by Texas Pride, Produced by Davieboy Carver and it's not the Band. They will be there but it's even bigger than Dark Horse and you know how hard that is for me to say. Let's just say it will be on the news stations.

Tickets on sale now. Are you Skeeeerd Yeti?